Cellulite And Liposuction Information

If you are like most women and have cellulite on your thighs, buttocks, or stomach, you may be very self conscious about it and looking for some way to eliminate your cellulite. Cellulite is unsightly and very visible even if you wear clothes to try to cover it up. As a result, many people turn to cellulite and liposuction to help combat the problem.

The Truth About Cellulite And Liposuction

People get cellulite because of fat cells in the wrong place, and irregularity in the connective tissue in your body that causes the fat cells to move where they shouldn't be - into the dermis. People of all sizes get cellulite, though gaining weight can lead to more pronounced cellulite. Other issues that may contribute to cellulite include smoking, age, and poor diet. These dimpled fat cells cannot normally be fixed by regular exercise, and most cellulite treatments only work on a temporary basis. However, liposuction doesn't work on cellulite, and can even make it worse.

What liposuction actually does is remove fat from {deeper in your body|the deeper layers}, not from the superficial layers just under the skin. It is in these superficial layers that cellulite occurs. So you can see, removing the deeper layers of fat won't have any effect whatsoever. It might make you slimmer, but it won't eliminate cellulite. Actually, by removing the cushioning of the other fat, cellulite can look even worse.

To eliminate cellulite, there are other treatments that you should try. This includes velasmooth cellulite therapy and endermologie cellulite treatments. These treatments are non invasive, and have other benefits in terms of stimulating the lymph and blood circulatory system.

Cellulite can be embarrassing, as it is often a factor in what we will ear. It can be impossible to wear shorts, capris, tank tops, or bikinis if you suffer from cellulite. Going to the beach can be your worst nightmare. But no matter how bad things might seem, using liposuction for cellulite is not something that should be risked. Not only are there dangers associated with liposuction, but it could actually make your cellulite worse.

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