The fact that cellulite isn't a medical condition is no consolation to the millions of women who find it a problem. However, a lot of research has gone into finding cellulite treatments because it is an issue that concerns so many women. Many treatments have simply created a way to prey on women's concerns and part them with their money.
The fact is, there is no cure for cellulite, and researchers really don't know the cause of it. A number of theories have been proposed, including toxins, water retention, changes to the fat cells, and changes to the connective tissues in the affected area. Heredity is believed to play a large part, as is poor choices with regards food and exercise. Most people agree that a number of these factors contribute to cellulite forming.
Treatments range from the more expensive salon treatments like body wrapping, endermologie, and mesotherapy, to home treatments like cellulite creams, massage devices, and suction cups. There are also internal treatments to get rid of cellulite, with herbs and vitamins. The question is, how effective are these treatments?
Salon Treatments
Salon treatments include mesotherapy and endermologie, as well as countless creams, wraps and massage. The treatments endermologie and mesotherapy last longer, but are still temporary. On the down side, these usually end up being the most expensive. Whilst it may seem a contradiction that something can have both lasting yet temporary effects, it's all relative. Compared to other forms of cellulite treatment, the effects of these two can seem to last a long time. After the initial course of treatments, you may only need follow-up treatments every month or every few months. This is compared to the almost continuous use needed for creams and wraps.
Endermologie and mesotherapy are not one-off treatments - you'll need about 6 to 10. It can take two to three weeks before any change in your cellulite is seen.
Home Treatments
Home treatments usually encompass the many contouring creams on the market, and a number of body wraps and massagers that are available for home use. The creams exert the most temporary of temporary effects, and the massagers tend to be the most effective of the home treatments. The effectiveness of the cellulite wraps is variable. Herbal and mineral rich, these wraps are good for detoxing your skin, and may help you lose an inch or two from drawing out excess water from your skin.
It generally takes money or time, sometimes both, for cellulite treatments to be effective. The downside of using a cream or body wrap at home is the time investment in doing it yourself. On the plus side, it can save you a lot of money. And creams like avon cellulite cream can also help you lose a couple of inches. These treatments are still not permanent however. Temporary cellulite treatments are still incredibly popular, as they can improve the appearance of your cellulite just in time for summer, or your vacation.
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