Losing Cellulite And Cellulite Cures

It was only when studies into cellulite were made around the last century that women thought of cellulite as being a problem and needed cellulite cures. Research into cellulite has revealed some facts? The hips and thighs women are areas where cellulite occurs. As late as the last century, cellulite was believed to be some sort of disease.

Even as studies and research have been made into the causes of cellulite, some still think it is due to some health condition. We now know that when skin structure changes, the formation of cellulite is the result. This change could be brought about by diet, stress, hormones and lifesytle changes.

Women have a high percentage of cellulite occuring. Women around the world, regardless of age, race and weight are prone to cellulite. Although being thin is no barrier against cellulite, being fat guarantees a woman in getting cellulite. Being thin does not mean you will not have cellulite. Even being athletic does not guarantee you to be immune to cellulite.

The regular body fat you have is different from cellulite. Liposuction can suck out fat deposits but cannot suck out cellulite. Cellulite fat cells are found just under the skin and when these fat cells protrude upwards to the skin, an uneven, orange-peel like appearance is seen as cellulite.

Are there cellulite remedies to beat cellulite?

Cellulite treatment using cellulite creams and gels are popular since they are convenient and readily available. These methods though effective, provide short term results. Manufacturers are not misleading customers as these products actually break down fat through a process known as lypolysis using active biological agents. The problem lies in the skin layer being too thick for cellulite gels and creams to penetrate to reach the cellulite fat cells.

The Endermologie machine is used in a process that removes cellulite by massaging the body in a process known as the Endermologie treatment. Considered to be one of the most effect techniques for cellulite treatment, the Endermologie machine was developed in France over 10 years ago and many improvements have been made since then.

Starting an exercise routine not only helps to reduce cellulite but improves overall health. The orange peel like skin surface can be reduced with resistance training that builds muscles. It has been noted that women with less body fat such as athletes do have less cellulite.

Whether a cellulite treatment is effective depends on the individual's reaction to it. It is possible that cellulite is hereditary as it can occur in women who are young and healthy. So some women are more likely than others, regardless of age or weight, to get cellulite.

The bottom line is that cellulite does not harm your body - all it does is make your skin surface a little uneven. Eating a healthy diet and keeping a regular exercise regime will go a long way in reducing cellulite.

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